The first GlossopBookFest took place on 25th March 2023
Thanks to everyone who took part.
It was amazing to see so much local talent in one place and the people who came along to make it such a vibrant event. We are now looking forward to an even better Glossop BookFest 2024!
Glossop, ‘Gateway to the Peak District’, is home to many artistic events, groups and people – the Glossop Music Festival, Glossopera, the Partington Theatre Company – and an ideal place for this venture.
Please note that the BookFest has no political/religious affiliations and the venues for our events are chosen on the basis of suitability, accessibility and value for money. Offers of funding welcome.

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Follow us on Facebook and sign up for our mailing list to keep up to date on our news and Open Mic events.
Email: glossopbookfest@hotmail.com